Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Nimal Climbs down Diyaluma

An enterprising young man from Keppetipola, G.M. Nimal Dharmaratne (31) climbed down Diyaluma falls on Sunday (24) by means of a rope. However he failed to break the previous speed record of Kosgoda Nilantha Soyza who was the first to climb down Diyaluma with rope.

Nimal, formerly an Air force officer is at present serving the Colombo Dock Yard fire prevention section.

Daminda Thabrew, of Kosgoda, who attempted to break Nilantha Sozysa’s record last year, fell down the falls and died.

A large crowd including friends and relations of Nimal were present to witness the event.

Speaking with joy of his triumph Nimal told the crowd gathered that he wanted to show the prowess of youth in Uva.

“It is not a difficult task, if one has the courage and determination” he said.

Nimal who took 22 minutes to reach the foot of the water fall, told reporters that he was held up by a tangle in the rope. President of Ratnapura District Waterfall Friends Association Asitha Indika Weerawadene said that the sports ministry shows step motherly treatment to mountaineers, and did not consider their request for an ambulance or other facilities for the event.

Donald Wijegunawardene of the Sports Medical was present. (11)


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